Welcome to Ely, Minnesota and BWCA Albums dedicated to images of Ely, Minnesota and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The photographs you see here were taken by area residents, area business people, visitors and vacationers, amateur and professional photographers. The common theme is a love of nature, Ely, the BWCAW, and Northeastern Minnesota. If you have memorable moments you would like to share of your travels in this area, photographs, video, sound recordings, postcards or stories, please send to rwatson@elyminnesota.com Enjoy!
All photographs shown on the www.elyminnesota.com website and in the Media Gallery are either owned by the individual contributor or www.elyminnesota.com No images may be, copied, reproduced, altered or used in any fashion without the written consent of the owner of each image. Most images are available for purchase or use with written consent, please contact rwatson@elyminnesota.com
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